How to remove blackheads completely without going hospital

Is your  skin ruined by a blackheads? No matter how old you are, you may have suffered with a blackhead recently. Blackheads are clogged with hair follicles that are filled with oil or skin bacteria. There are many preventing methods but the most reliable methods are mentioned below.

Remove with toothpaste
Yes it is possible to clean your blackheads with toothpaste, use proper type of toothpaste if possible it would be better if you use white plainest mint flavored toothpaste. Wash your face with warm water and apply a layer of toothpaste to affected areas. Let toothpaste dry for few minutes and rub affected area gently. You can also add little bit salt to the toothpaste for quick result. Use regularly until you get result .For your information removing blackheads with toothpaste is really reliable it worked to me.

Remove your blackhead with lemon
Lemon is multiple remedies to cure various kind of disease. Did you know lemon good for health and it also has great benefits of your skis?
Lemon can be used as blackhead removal, pimple removal, sunburn relief, dark spot prevention and skin brightening. Cut a small piece of fresh lemon and squeeze out in a clean bowl and mix it with a small amount of water. Apply lemon juice directly to affected area and let it dry for 5 minutes. Wash your mouth with warm water gently scrubbing it. Use 3-4 times daily and yes if you want to get quick and better result you can mix lemon juice with honey, yogurt and last.

Remove with gram flour and turmeric powder
  • Wash your face with appropriate face wash cream.  
  • Mix gram flour with yogurt and turmeric powder you also can put little bit honey if possible.Directly apply on affected area and leave it dry for 15 minutes
  • Wash your face with warm water without scrubbing because gram flour itself naturally scrub out the pores and removing blackheads.

Note:  Consult your doctor if your are badly affected. The above article based upon various books and websites.

Please let us know  if you have ever cured your blackheads, feel free to leave a comment and share your experience with us.

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