What is the benefit of honey
Honey boosts Immunity systems
Honey has contained
many health benefits elements; the most impressive thing is that honey can be a
powerful immune system booster. It is
antioxidant and anti bacterial elements can help improve digestive system and
help you to stay healthy and fight many disease. To get quick benefit of honey, mix honey with
lemon juice and drink with warm water every morning before breakfast.
Honey is Anti Cancer Medicine
Did you know that honey can help fight cancer? Well, all have
never realized that honey possesses carcinogen-prevention and anti tumor
properties. Recent studies shows that honey can prevent of cancer and
progression of tumor.
Honey boosts your Brain capacity
Recent studies have shown that honey is natural antioxidant
and therapeutic elements that were able to prevent cognitive decline and
dementia and increase the brain's cholinergic system and circulation.
For cut and burn
Honey has been recognized for thousands of years as one of
the most natural home remedies to treat many kinds of ailments and complaints
including yeast infection. Honey has been used as natural cure in FIRST-AID
treatment for wounds, burns and cuts as it is able to absorb moisture from the
air and promote healing. Its antibacterial properties prevent infection and
functions as and an anti inflammatory agent
Quick recovery of hangover
Many of us want immediate recover from hangover and some of
us drink alcohol again to get maintain hangover. When we get a hangover from
drinking too much alcohol, combat its effects by applying hone remedy. Honey is
gentle on the stomach and contain a mix of natural sugar such fructose which is
known to speed u the oxidation of alcohol.
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